Lighting Management
Street lights and cabins are more efficient to manage
Lighting Management
Thanks to the Controlix Lighting Management Solution developed by the controlix engineering team, costs can be managed more efficiently and remote management of streetlights can be facilitated.

Why Lighting Management?
Smart Urbanism: improving the quality and performance of municipal services such as energy, transport, public services; It uses information and communication technologies to reduce resource consumption, waste and total costs.
The objective of Smart Cities is to create more sustainable cities by increasing the quality of life of their citizens through technological means. Smart cities are improving the quality of life by using usually digital technologies. Lighting is the main source of energy consumption.
With Our Controlix Lighting Management Solution to increase energy efficiency, the energy consumption of single light points, groups of light points or entire city areas can be easily measured and compared.
Controlix Lighting Management Solution shows the time and place of savings with data graphs on the web-based platform.
Solutions can be delivered on the Controlix platform, or optionally, on the local server. Also, by analyzing the temporal and spatial data with the geographical information system provided on the platform, brightness (dim) level of the lighting can be determined according to the times of sunrise and sunset. In this way, it becomes possible to develop more efficient plans and reduce costs.
The Controlix Platform is an intelligent system developed by Kontrolmatik engineers, which can collect and store a lot of data in different data sources, perform real-time analytical calculations and also unattended actions with numerous reporting modules.
The Controlix platform, which has remote access with cloud technology, allows you to use it without any server and security investment.
Important Solution Benefits

Controlix Platform
The Controlix Platform is an intelligent system developed by Kontrolmatik engineers which can collect and store a lot of data in different data sources, perform real-time analytical calculations and also unattended actions.